How children are taught and learn in K-12 lays the foundation for their lives as adults who will be shaping our communities. In K-12 of Connecticut public schools, teaching and learning is now changing over to the Common Core State Standards, CCSS.
Many people are not sure what Common Core State Standards mean or how they are changing K-12 education. There are also differing opinions about the benefits of CCSS.
Therefore, the League of Women Voters of Hamden-North Haven will hold an informational forum at the Miller Memorial Library, Thornton Wilder Hall, 2901 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, Thursday, March 27, 7:00 pm to help people get a handle on what the facts are and what are rumors, half-truths, fears, and spin about the Common Core State Standards.
Providing the facts and experience-based opinions about the Common Core will be a school administrator, a classroom teacher, a Common Core consultant, an elected town legislator, and a teacher preparation program advisor. There will be Q&A time. Greater New Haven Parents, teachers, administrators, town legislators, state representatives, and everyone else who cares about the future of our communities is urged to attend and become informed.
The League of Women Voters welcomes as members men (since 1974) and women who wish to increase public understanding of major public policy issues, influence public policy through education and advocacy, and promote citizen participation in government. The League neither supports nor opposes candidates for public office. Contact: 203/248-8035 or