A Message from the Ridge Road PTA:
Dear Parents,
Unfortunately we have learned that we will not be able to return to Ridge Road School tomorrow (Tuesday). We will be housing students in Grades K, 1 and 2 and all ID classes at the middle school. Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 will be housed at the high school. Students will be picked up at their normal bus stops and taken to the appropriate building where staff will be waiting.
We want to keep the day as normal as we can. If you typically drop off your child each morning, plan to drop him or her off at Ridge Road School at the front entrance where staff will be waiting. Children who are dropped off by parents and who are walkers will be escorted by staff to board the bus parked at the bus ramp, to be transported to the middle school and high school.
At dismissal time, the children who have written notes along with walkers will be transported back to Ridge Road School for pick up. All children who regularly ride the bus will be dismissed at the usual time and dropped off to their normal bus stops.
Students are encouraged to bring lunches that do not need refrigeration. Bag lunches will be available. Please know that the middle school and high school are not designed as nut sensitive buildings. We will make every effort to protect your children. If you have any concerns please call the nurse’s office at each building.
We ask for your cooperation as we ensure all children’s safety. We will communicate with you tomorrow for further updates.