North Haven High School

“Sharing the Season with Seniors”

On December 3, 2009, the North Haven High School Senior Class will be sponsoring the 18th annual Sharing the Season with Seniors, a Senior to Senior breakfast. Along with breakfast, senior citizens will have the opportunity

All-Oronoque Team 2012

The North Haven High School Girls’ Soccer Team had four players named to the All-Oronoque team for the 2012 season. Congratulations Maggie Sullivan, Shannon Carboni, Sarah Pandolfi and Christina Sanzari.

NHHS Girls Soccer “Pink Game” to Fight Breast Cancer

The North Haven High School Girls’ Soccer Team recently took part in the JDRF Walk on September 23rd. They had fun together while helping to raise money for Juvenile Diabetes. On Thursday, October 11, 2012

Episode 98: May 10, 2012 – Art Beat!

In this episode of North Haven News: Sights and sounds from the annual Art Beat exhibit held at North Haven High School. Music provided by Mr. Rhone’s African Drumming class from Ridge Road Elementary.

New PSA By North Haven SAAC-SADD Students To Air In Rave Cinemas, NHTV & Internet

NHTV recently partnered with the North Haven High School SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) and the Town of North Haven Substance Abuse Action Council (SAAC) to produce a public service announcement (PSA) that will air

North Haven News: Episode 97 – April 6, 2012

In this episode of North Haven News: Highlights from the 2nd Annual Parents vs. Teachers Basketball Game played at the North Haven High School gym on March 30, 2012.

North Haven Show & Sell Brings ‘Businesses Together’

[box]By Lynn Fredricksen | Post-Chronicle Correspondent[/box] NORTH HAVEN — Saturday’s Show & Sell 2011 proved to be an ideal way for residents to learn about key programs in town while providing the perfect showcase for local

Three Teens Arrested, One Hospitalized After Fight at North Haven Football Game

NORTH HAVEN — Police say an alleged fight involving five teenagers at a North Haven High School football game Friday night resulted in the arrest of three teens and hospitalization of one. Anthony Esposito and

Episode 68: Art Beat!

In this episode of North Haven News: Images and artwork from Art Beat 2010, the annual event held at North Haven High School showcasing art from all grades and schools in town.

Episode 67: May 7, 2010

In this episode of North Haven News: Nothing of concern found in the air in North Haven High School. Read the full story on the North Haven Citizen’s website.

Episode 63: March 5, 2010

In this episode of the North Haven News: Board of Education Budget Approved; Ethics Board Update; Republican to Challenge State Rep. Steve Fontana; Boys Basketball Wins 1st SCC Championship.