The League of Women Voters of Hamden-North Haven invites North Haven residents to watch a debate for the seat of North Haven 3rd Selectman between incumbent Alan Sturtz (D) and challenger Sally Buemi (D). The League prepared the questions for the debate, which was taped at the NHTV studio August 31, 2013 and moderated by Kenn Venit.
The debate is being aired every day at 10:00 am, 3:00 pm, 7:00 pm, and 3:00 am up to the Primary on NHTV Government TV, Comcast Cable 20, AT&T U-Verse Cable 99 and NHTV.COM. The debate lasts 48 minutes.
The Primary for 3rd Selectman is Tuesday, September 10. All five North Haven voting district polling places will be open 6 a.m.-8 p.m. The office of the 3rd Selectman in North Haven is held by the minority party, currently the Democrats. Only registered Democrats may vote in the Primary for 3rd Selectman.
The League of Women Voters neither supports nor opposes candidates for political office. LWV provides voters an opportunity to hear and watch the candidates and form their own opinion about who would better help manage the affairs of the town.
Men and women of all political persuasions are invited to join the League and work on invigorating civic health in our communities. Call 203-248-8035 to discuss joining LWV or email.
Video ©NHTV 2013