The planning committee seated at the table are, from left to right: Nancy Beals, Jim Redman, Robert Sheiman. Standing left to right are: Jane Shaw, Christine Esposito, Raeanne Curtis and Diane Hoffman. Not shown are Committee members: Alden Mead, Elona Vaisnys, April Beichner and Kathy Grant.
The public is invited to share conversation and a light breakfast with Hamden and North Haven State legislators at the LWV annual Breakfast with the Legislators on Jan 23rd from 9-11 AM. at Whitneyville Cultural Commons, 1253 Whitney Avenue in Hamden. There is a $5.00 charge to help offset the cost of the breakfast. RSVP by Jan 17th is appreciated! Email Jim Redman or call 203-239-0787 to register.
Senators Martin Looney, Joseph Crisco and Len Fasano, and State Representatives Brendan Sharkey, Michael D’Agostino, Robyn Porter, and David Yaccarino have all accepted the invitation to meet with their constituents.
In the event that the Breakfast must be cancelled due to inclement weather, residents may tune into TV channel 30 or channel 3, call 203-780-8890 or 203-239-0787 or email to find out if the breakfast has been cancelled.
The League of Women Voters, founded in 1920, welcomes as members, men (since 1974) and women who have an interest in how we govern ourselves in our municipalities, states and nation and who are willing to work for greater participation in our democracy.