How Do We Repair Connecticut?

With a projected deficit of roughly $2.7 billion over the next two fiscal years, there’s no doubt Connecticut faces troublesome times with our fiscal health.

by State Rep. Dave Yaccarino, 87th General Assembly District, North Haven

It’s a question I’ve heard repeatedly from friends, neighbors and constituents for quite some time now.

With a projected deficit of roughly $2.7 billion over the next two fiscal years, there’s no doubt Connecticut faces troublesome times with our fiscal health. Many North Haven residents approach me and express frustration with what they feel is a lack of intent and determination on the legislature’s part; namely in prioritizing and fixing our state’s finances.

The 2015 legislative session commenced on January 7th and with it came an air of optimism and hope. However, considering this is my third term as a member of the legislature, I know that soon after Opening Day all those feelings of optimism and hope quickly dissipate. Early promises of working together soon unravel as individual legislators focus on unrelated bills, rather than on rebuilding our fiscal house.

Consider a recent survey from the blog Connecticut By The Numbers, which ranked Connecticut the 41st in its policy climate for small business and entrepreneurship. Among the comments:

“The state’s negatives are numerous, including high personal income, individual capital gains, corporate income, corporate capital gains, property, gas and diesel taxes, along with high levels of government spending and debt.”

I say: let’s make an honest effort to work together through the entire session, with the sole purpose of making Connecticut a better place to live and do business in. My main goals as we enter into this legislative session will be to repair Connecticut by getting our state’s finances straightened out and our economy booming again.

This session I serve on the legislature’s Finance, Revenue and Bonding, Public Safety and Security and Energy and Technology Committees. I am also the ranking member on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee. Among the bills under discussion; there are a few that stick out, several being proposals to fix our deteriorating roads and bridges and a lockbox to protect transportation funding. There’s been several campaign finance reform proposals aimed at regulating the amount of money spent on campaigns in the state and renewed talk about mandating relief to those in need such as veterans and seniors.

Our state legislature can no longer continue to make empty promises to the people of Connecticut. The entire membership of the legislature should collectively work on dispelling policies and poor budget habits that give our state a bad name.

I believe that through a renewed focus on building a stable fiscal environment, developing good-paying jobs, making retirement affordable for seniors and not spending outside our means; we will be able to repair Connecticut.

I am humbled to once again serve the people of North Haven and I vow to conduct myself in an honest and transparent manner—steadfastly holding onto the hope and optimism of Opening Day throughout my entire term. I trust that our Legislature is capable of coming together and simply trying to do the most good for the most people.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at either or 1- 800-842-1423.

Posted by Chris

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