Month: July 2011

Episode 89: July 25, 2011
In this episode of North Haven News: North Haven held their Democratic and Republican nominating conventions last week. Find out who each party nominated to run for 1st Selectman. Click here for the full slate …

Democrat and Republican Candidates for 2011 Town Election
Here is the full slate of candidates for the North Haven 2011 Town Election: 2011 North Haven municipal election DTC candidates: First Selectman – Walter Spader Second selectman – Alan Sturtz Town Clerk/Tax Collector – Angela Fleming Treasurer – …

2011 RTC Nominating Convention
PRESS RELEASE JULY 5, 2011 JEAN PIEPER GOP TOWN CHAIRWOMAN 203-239-1248 Chairwoman Jean Pieper announced today that the North Haven Republican Town Committee would host its nominating convention on Thursday, July 21, 2011, at the …